OK, so not a whole lot of knitting happening over the holidays... I did manage to get a sock done just before Christmas.. and just started working on the other one a day or two ago... I really do need to learn to knit both socks at once. Then I would no longer have this annoying sense of "Ugh, not another". But hey, at least it will keep me busy! And of course, I forgot to charge my camera so this is the only picture I have of it so far.. I will add some more later on.. once that camera is ready to go!
Here is where I found this pattern: http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/the-gardener
I must say, because of where she has her inc rnds... this sock has a great fit! I will definitely incorporate this technique with some future sock patterns. And a great idea for some really pigeon toed kiddos I have! It is definitely worth making this pair even if its just to learn this style of heal increases..
~UPDATED~ 12/31/2011
One sock is all done.. currently getting close to half way done the second sock.. and I cant wait until I can wear them!
Once again I'm going to be kicking myself, as I always do, that I have yet to learn to knit both socks at the same time... I really do need to since I get so antsy about half way through the second sock..
Because Knitting is not a craft, it's a Post-Apocalyptic skill., “Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.” ~Benjamin Franklin~
Friday, 30 December 2011
Saturday, 24 December 2011
~Kids & Knitting~
Well, here I sit, at my desk... looking at ridiculous pictures on line. And over strolls my 3year old son with a fist full of pine needles.. Yes, our tree is now that many short of needles, poor Charlie anyway. My son sticks out his hand to me and says... "Mom, these are pine needles, they are tiny so you could knit with them. You could knit tiny with pine needles.. you could put them with your tiny needles and knit with them". How clever and creative... and best of all, so very sweet and thoughtful! He might be a little off on the tools used for knitting, but has the right idea and already thinking of mom :) And I'm so lame I'm all watery eyed now lol.
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
Could not for the life of me get to sleep last night.. was terrible.. just too excited.. I know, it's really not much to get excited about. I was just tooling around looking at my projects on Ravelry and noticed four people had added my mittens as a favourite. One of those people however was the designer!! I was so excited! Then my wonderful husband just had to offer up "well, maybe they just favourite every ones..". So, of course I just had to look! Yes, I looked, I scoured... I searched.. And guess what!? Out of 152 projects of those mittens, I was only able to find 7, possibly 9 who the designer favourite's!!! Mine was one of those!!! So ya, I know, not that awesome of news, but the designer of those mittens too the time to click favourite on my mittens!!!
Made my day anyway :)
Made my day anyway :)
Tuesday, 20 December 2011
~Knits for Christmas~
Well, this year didn't go quite as planned. I was really hoping to get some really great things knit up for Christmas presents... which sadly, will have to wait til next year. Thankfully though, I have better ideas what everyone would like :)
So, on the list will be oodles of socks, mitts and so far, an afghan... Better get to work!
So, on the list will be oodles of socks, mitts and so far, an afghan... Better get to work!
Monday, 5 December 2011
~sdrawkcaB gnittinK~
Most awesome thing ever! I did it... yay me! I figured out how to knit backwards... super sweet, I don't have to keep turning my knitting around when I'm working on sock heels... YAY! I know, doesn't seem like much but oh so cool. I love it! Only takes a few minutes off but a few minutes is definitely worth it. And I was able to figure out how to do it and have all my stitches uniform and not twist or be smaller every other row..
Sounds crazy, but for some reason, as soon as I learned I was knitting in the back of the loop, which apparently twists the stitch (never had that problem til I found out what I was doing... funny thing). So ever since I started knitting through the front of the stitch, my work always looks like crap when knitting flat... when I knit in the round everything is just perfect. Some how, when I'm knitting flat I manage to pull my purl stitches too tight and every second row in my knitting is smaller and tighter than the row before.... Bah... well, solved that problem! At least I did when it comes to knitting backwards...
Sounds crazy, but for some reason, as soon as I learned I was knitting in the back of the loop, which apparently twists the stitch (never had that problem til I found out what I was doing... funny thing). So ever since I started knitting through the front of the stitch, my work always looks like crap when knitting flat... when I knit in the round everything is just perfect. Some how, when I'm knitting flat I manage to pull my purl stitches too tight and every second row in my knitting is smaller and tighter than the row before.... Bah... well, solved that problem! At least I did when it comes to knitting backwards...
Wednesday, 30 November 2011
~Sock Madness~
Well, I tried... messed up my heel plans and ripped it out.. then, sadly, yes... I did it... Lost my chart! I looked everywhere and couldn't find it... booo to losing charts and patterns..
After my disgust and anger in my lack of propper filing (I know its hiding around here somewhere) subsided... I grabbed my previous chart.. This one I drew up and coloured as closely as my pencil crayons allowed me to do.. so I already have a pretty good idea as to how my socks will look... still kinda makes me think of "The Big Top" at a carnival... Perhaps in different colours, but still makes me think of it... So atlast, here are the pics.. my poor lost argyle socks and my whatever I will call them new socks :)
After my disgust and anger in my lack of propper filing (I know its hiding around here somewhere) subsided... I grabbed my previous chart.. This one I drew up and coloured as closely as my pencil crayons allowed me to do.. so I already have a pretty good idea as to how my socks will look... still kinda makes me think of "The Big Top" at a carnival... Perhaps in different colours, but still makes me think of it... So atlast, here are the pics.. my poor lost argyle socks and my whatever I will call them new socks :)
Thursday, 10 November 2011
Not a whole lot going on with my knitting... I just received my rockin new circular needle set the other day... started back on my shawl and loving them needles! As inclined as I am to post endless and ridiculous pictures of them all over the place.. I am in between computers at the moment... out with the old and in with the new... About time really! Been a number of years..
So to sum it up, working on my shawl... some mittens for people and well, still trying to work on some more socks.. I really need to invest in some rockin awesome sock yarns!
So to sum it up, working on my shawl... some mittens for people and well, still trying to work on some more socks.. I really need to invest in some rockin awesome sock yarns!
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
~My 'Mum's~
Holy crap!! I don't think I will work with three strands of yarn together again for quite some time... I keep asking myself why on earth I even did.. My mitten certainly turned out looking amazing, but what on earth was I thinking?! And I still have to knit the right hand... So, one day I will have to get back to that project, til then my hands will just have to settle for my pockets :)
I should also note that I did not create this pattern, though I really wish I did, it's just beautiful. However, you can find it here... http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/chrysanthemums-2
I should also note that I did not create this pattern, though I really wish I did, it's just beautiful. However, you can find it here... http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/chrysanthemums-2
Friday, 7 October 2011
~A little something new~
Well, I've finally done it... I've finished up some work I had for someone and I've got all the time in the world to work on something for me. As exciting as that is, I have to admit I, in some bizarre way, miss the feeling of "need to finish so and so's stuff". But, I do need to get these socks done. Ive had the yarn sitting around for two months now and pulled out all the work I had done. Getting them done would be great, not only will I have another pair of socks for winter, but I will be able to order some more yarn... and oh how nice that will be... I will be getting my set of interchangeable needles here soon enough... which means I will also be able to finish my shawl... gotta love kids and stubby short straight needles... neither of which go well together. Every time I turn around my kids are pulling the needles out of my work... losing stitches here and there all over the place... so my once great start to a shawl is now a work in progress... greatly in need of tearing out and starting over... It will be great to get that finished up too. Looking forward to that.
However, as much in love with knitted socks that I am... I really very greatly want, is a most perfect cardigan... but I've yet to find just the right pattern to start work on. There is one, fell in love with it in the beginning... some cables, not too few, not too many.. Just not sure though if it's "the one". Silly I know, but if it's not even close to being that awesome, I will never wear it and be further discouraged in ever finding and making the most awesome and splendiferous cardigan ever! I would be one sad knitter then :(
Though there is still some light... a bit of hope one might say... I've got my eye on a program that, with a little thought here and there, will aid in the construction of any sort of sweater... With this my creativity is once again thrown into overdrive... the idea's and inspiration are endless.. Not only will I be able to pick and choose the type I want, but the sleeve style and so on. Oh the happy thoughts my little creative brain is flooded with.... But still, one more dilemma... yarn! What fibre, what colour??? More info for my poor over.. well, perhaps more like under worked imagination to chew on. I never can get past autumn colours for myself.. a few richly coloured berries, richly coloured leaves, the earth... ah such sweet sweet perfection! I am definitely not much of a summer, spring or winter kinda gal... one could say I'm doomed to a muddy palette.. but look at the endless possibilities... what to do, what to do....
Well, one thing is for sure, I still have my socks to finish up, and my shawl... so there will be plenty of time to figure this out.... or perhaps even longer to chew around the details...
However, as much in love with knitted socks that I am... I really very greatly want, is a most perfect cardigan... but I've yet to find just the right pattern to start work on. There is one, fell in love with it in the beginning... some cables, not too few, not too many.. Just not sure though if it's "the one". Silly I know, but if it's not even close to being that awesome, I will never wear it and be further discouraged in ever finding and making the most awesome and splendiferous cardigan ever! I would be one sad knitter then :(
Though there is still some light... a bit of hope one might say... I've got my eye on a program that, with a little thought here and there, will aid in the construction of any sort of sweater... With this my creativity is once again thrown into overdrive... the idea's and inspiration are endless.. Not only will I be able to pick and choose the type I want, but the sleeve style and so on. Oh the happy thoughts my little creative brain is flooded with.... But still, one more dilemma... yarn! What fibre, what colour??? More info for my poor over.. well, perhaps more like under worked imagination to chew on. I never can get past autumn colours for myself.. a few richly coloured berries, richly coloured leaves, the earth... ah such sweet sweet perfection! I am definitely not much of a summer, spring or winter kinda gal... one could say I'm doomed to a muddy palette.. but look at the endless possibilities... what to do, what to do....
Well, one thing is for sure, I still have my socks to finish up, and my shawl... so there will be plenty of time to figure this out.... or perhaps even longer to chew around the details...
Tuesday, 20 September 2011
~No news is good news?~
Well, I don't really know about no news being good news... it certainly does make for a very boring afternoon.
I'm terrible at coming up with something awesome and awe inspiring everyday... sadly, I know, but it's true. So I have neglected my poor sad little blog.. at least until this little rant. I did however manage to get a pair of socks done, oodles of fingerless mitts.. and so so sooo very close to finished the three pairs of mitts... on my last pair. Just have the left hand mitt and the thumb to finish on the right hand mitt. After that, only an hour or so left to finish those puppies off for good... yay to finishing touches. I also finally went back to tried to make myself a finished pair of socks from my very first sock pattern. Happily I got one of the socks done.. I have the other to do still.. but I have decided to finish my other projects before I make anything for myself... Ive got a few people waiting on some goodies still, so I have to get that done first... My poor bird socks will still have to wait :(
I'm terrible at coming up with something awesome and awe inspiring everyday... sadly, I know, but it's true. So I have neglected my poor sad little blog.. at least until this little rant. I did however manage to get a pair of socks done, oodles of fingerless mitts.. and so so sooo very close to finished the three pairs of mitts... on my last pair. Just have the left hand mitt and the thumb to finish on the right hand mitt. After that, only an hour or so left to finish those puppies off for good... yay to finishing touches. I also finally went back to tried to make myself a finished pair of socks from my very first sock pattern. Happily I got one of the socks done.. I have the other to do still.. but I have decided to finish my other projects before I make anything for myself... Ive got a few people waiting on some goodies still, so I have to get that done first... My poor bird socks will still have to wait :(
Thursday, 4 August 2011
~Winter Mitts~
Ok, here's the progress so far (excluding the first pair), I wasn't very impressed with how the first pair turned out, so I tweaked the pattern on the second pair. Turned out mighty awsome! The finished product looks finished.. well, a few ends need woven in along with another finished touch, and the right hand mitten... quite pleased with how it turned out.
Wednesday, 27 July 2011
~Lots of work do to~
Well, not quite starting to feel swamped, thank goodness! But, I've got loads of work to do.. still working on mittens and now a bundle of socks and fingerless mittens, yay!
Wasn't feeling like I was making much progress till I started seeing results, and boy does it feel good to be able to see some results!
Pretty excited too, though I don't know why because I don't know how to spin yarn, but just dying to try it. I just watched a few videos on spinning cotton.. one technique they've use in Ecuador and its so simple! They do it by hand which I'm sure takes a lot of practice to get the hang of but they don't use much in the way of equipment... which is why i call it simple lol. The other the lady just simply brushed the cotton away from the seed in a circular process and just simply grafted each piece spinning the out in a circle away from the seed! So much simpler than I thought it was...
I just have to try this for myself. So, perhaps one day I will have to get my hands on a spinning wheel!
Wasn't feeling like I was making much progress till I started seeing results, and boy does it feel good to be able to see some results!
Pretty excited too, though I don't know why because I don't know how to spin yarn, but just dying to try it. I just watched a few videos on spinning cotton.. one technique they've use in Ecuador and its so simple! They do it by hand which I'm sure takes a lot of practice to get the hang of but they don't use much in the way of equipment... which is why i call it simple lol. The other the lady just simply brushed the cotton away from the seed in a circular process and just simply grafted each piece spinning the out in a circle away from the seed! So much simpler than I thought it was...
I just have to try this for myself. So, perhaps one day I will have to get my hands on a spinning wheel!
Saturday, 23 July 2011
~Midnight Waves~
Gauge: 9sts and 11rows in 1inch.
Yarn: Knit Picks stroll sock yarn - Sapphire Heather
fingering weight
75% superwash merino wool, 25% nylonMidnight Waves:
Pattern: (Feather and Fan).
1. knit round.
2. knit round.
3. dpn#2 (k2tog) two times, k1, (yo, k1) five times, (k2tog) three times.
dpn#3 (k2tog) three times, (yo, k1) five times, k1, (k2tog) two times.
4. knit round.
Cuff:Using long tail cast on, cast on 64 sts.
1. Join and knit in the round for five rounds.
2. k2tog, yarn over; around.
3. Knit for five rounds.
4. Fold cuff over and knit around, joining the cast on edge together with the stitches on the needles. ***you can hide your tail inside the picot cuff if you like, I did this for less ends to weave in afterwards***5. Work "Feather and Fan" for four pattern repeats. (A total of 16 rounds).
Heel:You can work any heel you want. I worked the good old heel flap. If you choose to knit a short row heel, can just skip past the gusset decreases and just start knitting in the round, keeping the pattern on the instep sts only.
6. a.) Slip first stitch, knit across.
b.) Slip first stitch, purl across.
Repeat both rows for a total of 20 rows!
**(more or less depending on your desired heel).
Turning Heel:
1. Knit across 20 sts, ssk, k1, turn.
2. Slip first stitch, p12, p2tog, p1, turn.
*continue this way until you have 20sts remaining on your needle, ending with a purl side row.*
Working Gusset:
1. Slip first st and k9sts.
2. With new needle, (DPN#1) k the remaining 10sts of heel. Pick-up 10sts in the slipped sts of the heel flap. Pick-up two more sts between heel flap and instep sts (this closes any gaps that might happen otherwise).
**Begin working "Feather and Fan" on instep.
3. (DPN#2) knit all sts (rnd1 of patt).
(DPN#3) knit all sts (rnd 1 of patt).
4. (DPN#4) Pick-up two sts (to close gap), then pick-up your 10sts from slipped stitches of heel flap. Knit 10sts. (**the beginning of your round will be the centre of your heel)
**NOTE: work front and back of the leg the same.**
DPN#1 Knit to last 3sts, k2tog, k1.
DPN#2-3 Knit all instep sts.
DPN#4 K1, ssk, k to the end.
DPN#1 Knit all sts.
DPN#2-3 work rnd three of pattern.
DPN#4 Knit all sts.
***Continue in this manner, dec every second round until you have a total of 64 sts***Foot:Continue working your feather and fan pattern on the instep sts (dpn's#2-3) and in st st over sole of foot (dpn's#1&4).
**I only work 12 more pattern repeats before the toe.
Toe Decreases:
Rnds 1,4,7,9,11: dpn#1 knit to last 3sts and k2tog, k1. dpn#2 k1, ssk knit to the end. dpn#3 knit to the last 3sts, k2tog, k1. dpn#4 k1, ssk, knit to the end.
Rnds 2,3,5,6,8,10: knit all sts.
Rnd 12 and all remaining rounds: same as rnd1 until you have a total of 16sts remaining.
Break yarn and graft toe.
Finishing:Weave in all your lose ends, block if desired, and wear them proudly :)
Been trying for quite a while to make a pair of socks for my daughter.. up until now I've failed miserably. They were either too big or it just wasn't working... the pattern didn't quite work with the colour... So here, i find myself working gone these... first picot edge cuff and oodles of waves. Still working out the pattern as i go... if I'm lucky i will be able to get a second pair out of the other ball of this yarn. So between the two pairs one pair will definitely fit her and I will be able to work out the kinds in the pattern. I will post it here once I'm finished.
Sunday, 17 July 2011
~gone to the birds~
No pics yet... at least none to get excited about. Ive got a plan in the works for a pair of knee high socks. Having a little trouble with finding the right yarn though... looks like i might have to settle for the "hand wash only", for now. At least until I find another trusted and greatly loved yarn supplier.
Anyway, to the plan at hand... think birds, lots of birds. Well, at least enough to cover your legs in delightful little chirping balls of feathers.. balls of feathers that resemble birds... oh, and twigs, leaves and a few flowers here and there just for an added tough of something....
... hmmm...
Well, Ive already got my chart drawn up and hopefully as perfected in stitches as it is in my brain.. and on paper.
Colour though, just a few days left to decide on just the right eye catching and most delightfully perfect shade of... well... perfect! Yup, perfect... its what they will be once the right colour is picked... so, no more ranting for me, I'm off to scour over oodles of colour.
Wish me luck :)
Well, I'm as excited as a nutter freshly escaped from a padded room... I ordered my yarn and its on its way! Soon as it gets here I can start my socks, YAY!!!
Ok, I finally got my yarn, it felt like forever, but it finally arrived!
Started out working away like mad, I really did try to get at least one of the socks done within a week... but that didn't work out as planned. And of course, like a fool, I waited until I was almost ready to start the heel on the first sock before trying it on. So, once I wised up and tried it on, I found that my stitches were too tight and pulled apart! I was crushed and ready to lose it... I just could not figure out what I did wrong.. Until.... I looked back at the first pair of socks.. they are the same guage, same needle size and same yarn (atleast weight/brand).
So what on earth could have caused this...
Well, it didn't take long to figure it out.. Only about a week! Duh... I decided to only carry my yarn over three stitches, no more... well, on the first pair I pushed it to 5 stitches as much as possible! So I've decided this has got to be the reason...
AAARRRGGGHHHHH!!!! */rips out some hair*
So in the end, I'm going to rip them back to the cuff and begin again! Being overly generous with my floats just like the first pair... and well maybe losen up my tension... oh, and TRY THEM ON frequently!!!
I will deffinatly post some pictures once I'm done, they really are worth the effort, they look great, even though they dont fit lol.
Anyway, to the plan at hand... think birds, lots of birds. Well, at least enough to cover your legs in delightful little chirping balls of feathers.. balls of feathers that resemble birds... oh, and twigs, leaves and a few flowers here and there just for an added tough of something....
... hmmm...
Well, Ive already got my chart drawn up and hopefully as perfected in stitches as it is in my brain.. and on paper.
Colour though, just a few days left to decide on just the right eye catching and most delightfully perfect shade of... well... perfect! Yup, perfect... its what they will be once the right colour is picked... so, no more ranting for me, I'm off to scour over oodles of colour.
Wish me luck :)
Well, I'm as excited as a nutter freshly escaped from a padded room... I ordered my yarn and its on its way! Soon as it gets here I can start my socks, YAY!!!
Ok, I finally got my yarn, it felt like forever, but it finally arrived!
Started out working away like mad, I really did try to get at least one of the socks done within a week... but that didn't work out as planned. And of course, like a fool, I waited until I was almost ready to start the heel on the first sock before trying it on. So, once I wised up and tried it on, I found that my stitches were too tight and pulled apart! I was crushed and ready to lose it... I just could not figure out what I did wrong.. Until.... I looked back at the first pair of socks.. they are the same guage, same needle size and same yarn (atleast weight/brand).
So what on earth could have caused this...
Well, it didn't take long to figure it out.. Only about a week! Duh... I decided to only carry my yarn over three stitches, no more... well, on the first pair I pushed it to 5 stitches as much as possible! So I've decided this has got to be the reason...
AAARRRGGGHHHHH!!!! */rips out some hair*
So in the end, I'm going to rip them back to the cuff and begin again! Being overly generous with my floats just like the first pair... and well maybe losen up my tension... oh, and TRY THEM ON frequently!!!
I will deffinatly post some pictures once I'm done, they really are worth the effort, they look great, even though they dont fit lol.
Sunday, 10 July 2011
~Circle Throw/Wrap~
Saturday, 9 July 2011
Done! Good thing too... I don't know how long I'm going to wait between mitts again.. I had finished one and decided I would wait a while and get back to the second one after a break. Well, started off sounding like a good idea, at least until I lost my paper with notes and needle sizes on it :( I blame my kids though (most like was them, but there is a slight chance I lost it).... but, in the end, they worked out great!
Tuesday, 5 July 2011
~Hat's & Bread, together at last~
Well.. finally finished this one... what was supposed to be a quick one sitter project.. well, it turned into a few days. In all though, its finished, THANK GOODNESS.. I was getting pretty sick of it.
Still planning on making a pair of mittens and maybe a scarf to go with it. Should prove interesting at the very least.
And yeah, I know its not knitted... But hey, gotta say I'm quite please with myself on this one. A few failed attempts, but finally a tasty loaf of sour dough bread.. mmm mmm mmmmm... and it was yummy too :p
Started out with a home made sour dough starter.. not as easy as it sounds, especially not when you continually forget about it :( A few websites later, a few hours of reading tips and tricks.. but in all, definitely worth the time and effort.
Still planning on making a pair of mittens and maybe a scarf to go with it. Should prove interesting at the very least.
And yeah, I know its not knitted... But hey, gotta say I'm quite please with myself on this one. A few failed attempts, but finally a tasty loaf of sour dough bread.. mmm mmm mmmmm... and it was yummy too :p
Started out with a home made sour dough starter.. not as easy as it sounds, especially not when you continually forget about it :( A few websites later, a few hours of reading tips and tricks.. but in all, definitely worth the time and effort.
Friday, 1 July 2011
~fingerless mitts~
Well, here they are... the second mitt is still in progress. The right hand mitt is finished and didn't turn out too bad. Though, there are several things I will definitely have to change in the future..
And here is the back....
And the second mitt still in progress...
And here is the back....
And the second mitt still in progress...
Saturday, 11 June 2011
just a bit more colour...
Well, here we are, After the start of a sock and half a mitten later, ta da! another mitten! or partial so far. This time though, I'm going to see it through... i don't think they will fit me (if only i had smaller hands) but the will definitely fit someone...
below is the fail mittens i frogged a day or two before... Still plan on making those., just need diff colours...
OK, so the socks i was going to make got frogged.. yes frogged.. rib bit ( a little knitting phrase for ripping it all out)... decided i didn't want to keep knitting them, i wanted a smaller easy to finish project i would commit to. And well, here it is... or was rather. frogged them out too!
Gauge, gotta remember to get your gauge just right... and how you might ask? by preforming a simple task of swatching... not famous for it, i will admit i like to cheat... and always wind up kicking myself hard for it too.... What was the problem with them? well, back the the gauge issue... they were turning out too snug... So, goodbye, farewell... at least till i get me some new yarn... I think i will remake them but in three colours instead... yikes :)
below is the fail mittens i frogged a day or two before... Still plan on making those., just need diff colours...
OK, so the socks i was going to make got frogged.. yes frogged.. rib bit ( a little knitting phrase for ripping it all out)... decided i didn't want to keep knitting them, i wanted a smaller easy to finish project i would commit to. And well, here it is... or was rather. frogged them out too!
Gauge, gotta remember to get your gauge just right... and how you might ask? by preforming a simple task of swatching... not famous for it, i will admit i like to cheat... and always wind up kicking myself hard for it too.... What was the problem with them? well, back the the gauge issue... they were turning out too snug... So, goodbye, farewell... at least till i get me some new yarn... I think i will remake them but in three colours instead... yikes :)
Saturday, 28 May 2011
Well, just had to do it.. Start working on another pair of socks. The original plan for this yarn for was a few different pairs of socks. I just couldn't get them going so I tossed the yarn into my ever growing stash to await its day in the sun. So, here we are now... I wasn't sure if the colours would work together just right, but the combination is really starting to grow on me.
Saturday, 21 May 2011
orange marmalade..
OK, would post a few pics if my camera and computer would just co-operate.. but sadly, they wont.
decided i would try my hand at making some orange marmalade... was off to a good start, however, been wondering when on earth its going to do what its supposed to do. If i didn't want to so bad i may just be tempted to wast my poor oranges, maybe turn them into some other Frankenstein treat of sorts... Gah... why its not working i don't know... perhaps its just because i want orange marmalade so bad. :P
decided i would try my hand at making some orange marmalade... was off to a good start, however, been wondering when on earth its going to do what its supposed to do. If i didn't want to so bad i may just be tempted to wast my poor oranges, maybe turn them into some other Frankenstein treat of sorts... Gah... why its not working i don't know... perhaps its just because i want orange marmalade so bad. :P
Thursday, 19 May 2011
to cut or not to cut...
OK, so I decided to go ahead and cut and weave in the ends of the strand of yarn I carried for the first two rows... sadly no pictures. But, I am happy to say it worked out pretty well... held together just fine. Got a few more rows to go before I begin the heel and will be almost home free. And just in time too... for summer lol.. well, at least they will be ready and waiting to keep my tootsies nice and toasty when winter hits again.
Thursday, 5 May 2011
Woo hoo!!! finaly, almost home free!!!
AH CRAP!!! WHY!!???
Ok, so I've hit a problem... think back to the crossroads...
I guess to make much sense here, I have to throw some detail into this rant... one might just say "sweet, your almost done, what on earth could be the problem?".. well, here it is... I got started with this awesome cuff.. well, after having to start it over the first go. But, here I sit, perfect cuff... almost done.. fits perfectly... save for one thing :(
One of my strands i carried across the back.... too tight!!!!
So, you see my problem... do I rip it all out to the cuff and start over, swearing repeatedly while i do so, or just continue on "ignorance is bliss" and try to fix it later. How so? Well, simply put, go back and cut the thread and weave it in allowing the much desired and greatly needed stretch a sock should have in order to fit over your calf.. hopefully not causing any structural issues with the sock itself... wouldn't want the damn thing to fall apart on me at any point..
Thursday, 28 April 2011
Ok, so I can't continue working on my shawl since I need to run out and buy different needles :( Straights can only get you so far...
So, I decided to kick my laziness out the door and pick up my other sock... got myself to 5rows short of finishing my cuff and low and behold!!!! I used the wrong size needles!!!!! Oh the horror! I had to rip it all out and start over.. needles to say my laziness has grabbed hold again and isn't letting go so easily... still determined though, they will be so awesome when there are two and not just one!
And sadly, was not able to go get me the yarn I need for the mittens I need to make. Hopefully by the end of the week (crossed fingers) I will be able to get the yarn for one pair of mittens and the right size circ.needles to finish my shawl... yet another reason to buy my most desired circ.needle set... I just have to have them, so I'm going to splurge and get them soon as i can afford them... and yes, they are stupidly expensive :p
So, I decided to kick my laziness out the door and pick up my other sock... got myself to 5rows short of finishing my cuff and low and behold!!!! I used the wrong size needles!!!!! Oh the horror! I had to rip it all out and start over.. needles to say my laziness has grabbed hold again and isn't letting go so easily... still determined though, they will be so awesome when there are two and not just one!
And sadly, was not able to go get me the yarn I need for the mittens I need to make. Hopefully by the end of the week (crossed fingers) I will be able to get the yarn for one pair of mittens and the right size circ.needles to finish my shawl... yet another reason to buy my most desired circ.needle set... I just have to have them, so I'm going to splurge and get them soon as i can afford them... and yes, they are stupidly expensive :p
Sunday, 24 April 2011
Monday, 18 April 2011
my selbudeath socks

more yarn!!
Just got two huge bundles of yarn! Cant wait to dig into it. Still not sure what I want to do with it.. was thinking about making a large shawl. One you can wrap up in and just be cozy... or oodles of mittens, slippers, toques, scarves... the ideas go on and on.. and I still havnt used up the last batch of yarn I got for socks. Going to have things to do for a long time :)

Saturday, 16 April 2011
8 sts to 1"
size 0 - 2.00mm
1 - 2.25mm
1 - 2.50mm DPN's
Yarn: TOFUtsies - item#806
100g/425m (2balls)
Using provisional cast on method and size 1 - 2.25mm DPN's, cast on 38 stitches.
Purl back across row.
Row1: (RS) Knit 37, wrap and turn.
Row2: (WS) Purl 36, wrap and turn.
Row3: Knit 35, wrap and turn.
Row4: Purl 34, wrap and turn.
Continue as established for a total of 20 rows, ending with WS row.
There should be 18 unwrapped stitches at the centre of the needle.
Turn Toe:
Row1: Knit 18, pick up the wrap around the next stitch and knit it together through the back loop with the stitch it is wrapped around, wrap and turn.
Row2: Purl 19, pick up the wrap around the next stitch and purl it together with the stitch it is wrapped around, wrap and turn.
Row3: Knit 20, pick up both wraps around the next stitch and purl them together with the stitch it is wrapped around, wrap and turn.
Row4: Purl 21, pick up both wraps around the next stitch and purl them together with the stitch it is wrapped around, wrap and turn.Continue as established until you have worked all 38 stitches.
Pick up the 38 remaining stitches from your provisional cast on - 76sts.
Distribute stitches evenly over four needles, 19 sts on each needle.Note: DPN's 1 & 2 hold stitches for the top of the foot and DPN's 3 & 4 hold stitches for the bottom of the foot.
Left Sock:
Rnd1: (DPN#1) (following chartA, work from right to left) k5, k2tog, ,4, yarn over, p2, k2, yarn over, ssk, k2.
(DPN#2) Knit 19sts on needle two.
(DPN#3&4) knit all stitches.
(DPN#1) k4, k2tog, k4, yarn over, k1, p2, k2tog, yarn over, k2, k2tog, yarn over.
(DPN#2) knit 19sts on needle two.
(DPN#3&4) K all sts.
(DPN#1) K3, k2tog, k4, yarn over, k2, p2, k2, yarn over, ssk, k2.
(DPN#2) knit 19sts on needle two.
(DPN#3&4) K all sts.
(DPN#1) K2, k2tog, k4, yarn over, k3, p2, k2tog, yarn over, k2, k2tog, yarn over.
(DPN#2) Knit 19sts on needle two.
(DPN#3&4) K all sts.***The following rounds consist of increases and decreases on the sole only! The pattern on the top of the foot will continue unchanged. (note: you do not have to work the inc's and dec's, i have only done them for a better, snug fit on the sole of my foot).***
Rnd47: (DPN#3&4 only) K9, k2tog, k16, k2tog, k9.
Rnd51: (DPN#3&4 only) k9, k2tog, k14, k2tog, k9.
Rnd53: (DPN#3&4 only) k13, m1, k8, m1, k13.
Rnd57: (DPN#3&4 only) K13, m1, k10, m1, k13.
Continue rounds 1-4 in patt as established until sock measures 2" less than desired length of foot. I worked 18 patt repeats.
**Heal is worked back and forth over 38 sts. Hold instep sts on dpn's 1&2 or slip them to a stitch holder or scrap yarn.**
Row1: (RS) K37, wrap and turn.
Row2: (WS) P36, wrap and turn.
*Continue as established for a total of 20 rows, ending with a WS row. There should be 18 unwrapped sts at the centre of the needles.
Turn Heel:
Row1: (RS) K18, pick up the wrap around the next stitch and knit it together through back loop with the stitch it is wrapped around, wrap and turn.
Row2: (WS) P19, pick up the wrap around the next stitch and purl it together with the stitch it is wrapped around, wrap and turn.
Row3: K20, pick up both wraps around the next stitch and knit them together through the back loop with the stitch it is wrapped around, wrap and turn.
Row4: P21, pick up both wraps around the next stitch and purl them together with the stitch it is wrapped around, wrap and turn.Continue as established until you have worked all 38 stitches.Leg:
You are now ready to work in the round once more.
Redistribute stitches so you have 19 on each needle. Dpn's 1&2 will hold stitches for the front of the leg (instep sts), and Dpn's 3&4 will hold sts for the back of the leg (sole of foot or heel sts).
To close any gaps between needles 2&3 and 4&1, pick up two sts between both (sides of the leg). Giving you a total of 4 picked up stitches.
**K these picked up sts together with the first stitch on dpn#1, the last stitch on dpn#2, the first stitch on dpn#3 and the last stitch on dpn#4**
***You will begin knitting the pattern in the back on round 3 of the pattern.***Leg:
(DPN#1) pick up 2sts (they will be between dpn#4&1) K5, k2tog, k4, yarn, p2, k2, yarn over, ssk, k2.
(DPN#2) K 19sts, pick up 2sts (pick up sts will be between dpn#2&3).
(DPN#3) K19.
(DPN#4) (follow chartb on dpn#4) k2, k2tog, yarn over, k2, p2, yarn over, k4, ssk, k5.
(DPN#1) k2nd pick up stitch together with first stitch on dpn#1(takes you back down to 19sts), k3, k2tog, k4, yarn over, k1, p2, k2tog, yarn over, k2, k2tog, yarn over.
(DPN#2) k18sts, k together last stich and first pick up sts, (takes you back down to 19sts on dpn#2).
(DPN#3) k together pick up stitch with first stitch on dpn#3, (takes you back down to 19sts on dpn#3).
(DPN#4) k 18sts, k together last stitch and pick up stitch, (takes you back down to 19sts on dpn#4).
(DPN#1) k3, k2tog, k4, yarn over, k2, p2, k2, yarn over, ssk, k2.
(DPN#2) k all 19 sts.
(DPN#3) k all 19 sts.
(DPN#4) k2, k2tog, yarn over, k2, p2, k2, yarn over, k4, ssk, k3.
(DPN#1) k2, k2tog, k4, yarn over, k3, p2, k2tog, yarn over, k2, k2tog, yarn over.
(DPN#2) k all 19sts.
(DPN#3) k all 19sts.
(DPN#4) yarn over, ssk, k2, yarn over, ssk, p2, k3, yarn over, k4, ssk, k2.**continue working chatA in front and chartB in back**( i worked an additional 19 patt repeats before i switched to size1 - 2.50mm dpn's. I then worked another 8 patt repeats)
Set-up rnds before cuff:
Rnd1: k all sts.
Rnd2: *K9, m1, k10* rep on dpn's 2,3 & 4.
(this will give you a total of 80sts.Cuff:
Switch to size0 - 2.00mm dpns, and work 20 rounds of k2, p2 ribb.
Bo using Elizabeth Zimmerman's sewn bind off.
ChartA - left sock:Rnd1: K5, k2tog, k4, yarn over, p2, k2, yarn over, ssk, k2.
Rnd2: k4, k2tog, k4, yarn over, k1, p2, k2tog, yarn over, k2, k2tog, yarn over.
Rnd3: K3, k2tog, k4, yarn over, k2, p2, k2, yarn over, ssk, k2.
Rnd4: K2, k2tog, k4, yarn over, k3, p2, k2tog, yarn over, k2, k2tog, yarn over.ChartB - left sock:Rnd1: k2, k2tog, yarn over, k2, p2, yarn over, k4, ssk, k5.
Rnd2: yarn over, ssk, k2, yarn over, ssk, p2, k1, yarn over, k4, ssk, k4.
Rnd3: k2, k2tog, yarn over, k2, p2, k2, yarn over, k4, ssk, k3.
Rnd4: yarn over, ssk, k2, yarn over, ssk, p2, k3, yarn over, k4, ssk, k2.
ChartB - right sock:Rnd1: K2, k2tog, yarn over, k2, p2, yarn over, k4, ssk, k5.
Rnd2: yarn over, ssk, k2, yarn over, ssk, p2, k1, yarn over, k4, ssk, k4.
Rnd3: k2, k2tog, yarn over, k2, p2, k2, yarn over, k4, ssk, k3.
Rnd4: yarn over, ssk, k2, yarn over, ssk, p2, k3, yarn over, k4, ssk, k2.
ChartA - right sock:Rnd1: K5, k2tog, k4, yarn over, p2, k2, yarn over, ssk, k2.
Rnd2: k4, k2tog, k4, yarn over, k1, p2, k2tog, yarn over, k2, k2tog, yarn over.
Rnd3: K3, k2tog, k4, yarn over, k2, p2, k2, yarn over, ssk, k2.
Rnd4: K2, k2tog, k4, yarn over, k3, p2, k2tog, yarn over, k2, k2tog, yarn over.
Created by; Debra Boyes
DPN's size 2 3/4mm
Yarn: Any fingering weight yarn ( I have my preferences, KnitPicks stroll sock yarn, but you can use whatever sock yarn tickles your fancy).
You can either cast on toe up using provisional style cast on and work your toe first, or using long tail cast on, cast on 64 sts (if you want to ensure the cuff is stretchy enough, cast on using a size larger needle, work one round and switch back to your 2 3/4mm needles).
The patter is very basic and simple to work around the chart. You can use this pattern both toe up or cuff down, short row toes and heels or with a flap heel (I'm sure with most any heel) and a simple toe and graft the end stitches.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns, I will always do my best to fix any bugs or clarify any problems.. And thank you all so very much for your patience.
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