Saturday, 11 June 2011

just a bit more colour...

 Well, here we are, After the start of a sock and half a mitten later, ta da! another mitten! or partial so far. This time though, I'm going to see it through... i don't think they will fit me (if only i had smaller hands) but the will definitely fit someone...
below is the fail mittens i frogged a day or two before... Still plan on making those., just need diff colours...
OK, so the socks i was going to make got frogged.. yes frogged.. rib bit ( a little knitting phrase for ripping it all out)... decided i didn't want to keep knitting them, i wanted a smaller easy to finish project i would commit to. And well, here it is... or was rather. frogged them out too!
Gauge, gotta remember to get your gauge just right... and how you might ask? by preforming a simple task of swatching... not famous for it, i will admit i like to cheat... and always wind up kicking myself hard for it too....  What was the problem with them? well, back the the gauge issue... they were turning out too snug... So, goodbye, farewell... at least till i get me some new yarn... I think i will remake them but in three colours instead... yikes :)

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