Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Hot Rod Heather

Going back to the red yarn I spun in May earlier this year...

It's a little bit of a cheat, but I just love this roving.. Kind of partial really, it's what I used to learn to spin. And honestly, I didn't have any red dye!

  Here is some of it before I decided on a Navajo (chain) Ply. At this point though, I almost wish I had left it as a single, but what do you do when it's all said and done... Just run with it.

 All three hanks!
 One close up... loving it so far!
Here it is!!
Originally I had started with a broomstick lace, but my broomstick (and yes, I took apart a broom for this) just wasn't big enough around to get the right look.. Like I was saying before, I kind of wish I had left it as a single.
Aside from that, this cowl should be pretty cool when done.
Sadly I can not claim this is my pattern... but it just looked so neat and I decided I would have to give it a go. It's been a while since I last finished a crochet project and decided it was time.

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