Wednesday, 21 December 2011


Could not for the life of me get to sleep last night.. was terrible.. just too excited.. I know, it's really not much to get excited about. I was just tooling around looking at my projects on Ravelry and noticed four people had added my mittens as a favourite. One of those people however was the designer!! I was so excited! Then my wonderful husband just had to offer up "well, maybe they just favourite every ones..". So, of course I just had to look! Yes, I looked, I scoured... I searched.. And guess what!? Out of 152 projects of those mittens, I was only able to find 7, possibly 9 who the designer favourite's!!! Mine was one of those!!! So ya, I know, not that awesome of news, but the designer of those mittens too the time to click favourite on my mittens!!!


Made my day anyway :)

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